“Fluidly follows the movement of the body, creating a seductive, charming sheen.”
- an apt descrption of the Japanese Cupro Fabric
Cupro, a sustainable substitute of silk, commonly also known as the Vegan Silk. It is soft and smooth to touch and feels like a second skin. It is an eco-friendly fabric made using cotton linters, short fibers that protect the cotton seed. It glides smoothly on the skin and naturally absorbs and releases moisture. Being warm in winters and cool in summers make it the perfect fabric all reound the year. A fabric exuding elegance and gentleness, all at once had to be our choice for the debut Flona collection.
Tangled in Ten Twisted Tentacles!
Not just an example of alteration but the story of our Hibiscus.
Octobiscus- a happy fusion of Hibiscus and Octopus glides gracefully on the House Of Tamarind Cocktail Saree.
The precisely placed playful motif adds drama to the saree as well as the overall ensemble with the sudden burst of colors in the pleats when one walks.